SAHIL | 'Doc in a Weekend' contest 2024 | Otoxo Productions | Barcelona 
Barcelona. 48 hours to make a 2 minute documentary. Put in pairs with a stranger, and a theme reveals on Friday night. This year's theme was 'Open'.

This is mine & Mathew's weekend doc. 

In Barcelona, Sahil grapples with the allure of Europe's open life and the pull of his Indian roots. Sharing his journey, he reveals the struggle between embracing his new open life and longing for his home. Amidst the city's energy, memories of India tug at his heartstrings, evoking a deep sense of nostalgia. Despite challenges, Sahil persists, finding strength in the bonds formed and courage to navigate between two worlds—a journey of identity, belonging, and embracing the unknown.

Dig Deep | Angela Kendall | Sheffield